What's the most efficient way to get the current date in ISO format (e.g. "2010-10-06") using Perl?
There are plenty of modules in the Date::
namespace, many of which can help you do what you need. Or, you can just roll your own:
my ($day, $mon, $year) = (localtime)[3..5];
printf "%04d-%02d-%02d\n", 1900+$year, 1+$mon, $day;
- Date:: namespace on The CPAN: http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Date%3A%3A&mode=module
2010-10-06 17:44:59
Don't forget `DateTime`!
2010-10-06 18:06:39
Most efficient for you or the computer?
For you:
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime), "\n";
For the Computer:
my @t = localtime;
$t[5] += 1900;
printf "%04d-%02d-%02d", @t[5,4,3];
Chas. Owens
2010-10-06 17:46:01
You can use the Time::Piece module (bundled with Perl 5.10 and up, or you can download from CPAN), as follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
my $today = localtime->ymd(); # Local time zone
my $todayUtc = gmtime->ymd(); # UTC
2010-10-06 19:14:32
Or you can use the DateTime module which seems to be the de facto standard date handling module these days. Need to install it from CPAN.
use DateTime;
my $now = DateTime->now->ymd;
Tim Jenness
2010-10-06 21:46:14
standardizing on DateTime certainly makes things simpler for this programmer, and consistently using one fairly comprehensive module for everything seems a good idea in an area with many gotchas and inconsistencies such as date and time calculations
2010-10-07 09:04:31
This doesn't create any temporary variables:
printf "%d-%02d-%02d", map { $$_[5]+1900, $$_[4]+1, $$_[3] } [localtime];
eugene y
2010-10-07 07:13:16