I would like to implement a binary search algorithm in Perl. My 'array' is sorted in decreasing order (not an actual array, but a function that gets an index and returns values). the problem is that there might be stretches of identical values. If my searched value is in such a stretch, I want to return the first index that contains it.
This is what I have written:
# get_val should be a *decreasing* function for idexes $i in min..max,
# formally: for any $i,$j s.t. $max>=$i>$j>=$min :
# $get_val_subref($i, $extra) <= $get_val_subref($j, $extra)
# min and max are the inclusive boundaries for the search
# get_val sub should get an index in min..max and an extra data reference, and return
# the value for the given index
# returns the smallest index $i in min..max for which $get_val_subref($j, $extra)
# returns $searched_val, or undef if no such index exists
sub binary_search {
my ( $min, $max, $searched_val, $get_val_subref, $get_val_sub_extra_data )
= @_;
my ( $mid, $val );
while ( $min <= $max ) {
$mid = $min + int( ( $max - $min ) / 2 );
$val = $get_val_subref->( $mid, $get_val_sub_extra_data );
if ( $val > $searched_val ) {
$min = $mid + 1;
elsif ( $val < $searched_val ) {
$max = $mid - 1;
# surely $val == $searched_val, but is it the first one?
if ( $mid > $min
and $get_val_subref->( $mid - 1, $get_val_sub_extra_data )
== $searched_val )
# $val == $searched_val and prev($val) == $searched_val
# we have to continue
$max = $mid - 1;
else {
# $val == $searched_val and prev($val) != $searched_val
# wer'e done
return $mid;
# $val was not found. return undef
return undef;
and this is a simple example for using it:
sub get_val_sub {
my ( $pos, $a ) = @_;
my $val = $a->[$pos];
return $val;
my @arr = (80, 40, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
say "RET:", binary_search( 0, $#arr, 0, \&get_val_sub, \@arr );
The problem is I'm not sure my last else (marked with ## SEE MY QUESTION BELOW ##
) is "pretty". Is there a better way of doing that?