




I have a sharepoint list. It has items with properties A, B, C, D, and E. I want to create a view that would filter the items like this....

WHERE (a = 1 AND b = 2) AND (c = 3 OR d = 4 OR e = 5)

Sharepoint appears to flatten this out to

WHERE (a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3 OR d = 4 OR e = 5)

And gives me results I do not want. IRL, this is to view work currently in progress (A and B - text field) that is assigned to a set of developers (C, D, and E - People).

Does anyone have a reasonable solution to this? Computed columns doesnt seem to allow for the data type "People". Is there any other formulae or trickery I can code in to make this work?

+1  A: 

Probably you need XSLT View or webpart.


Sorry, I totally forgot about CAML views. It is a lot more suitable solution. Read this article for example

Thanks, I'll take a look into that, but it looks like its more about customizing the display and not the results.
XSLT - yes, CAML view - no. Using CAML view you can define complex conditions using simple XML-based query language.
Working with this viewer (http://spcamlviewer.codeplex.com/), and hacking around with the page source a bit I was able to get done what I needed. Thanks for the push in the correct direction.