




Our organization has started a project hoping to use sharepoint to create Electronic Records for Clients rather than the paper method which tends to have documents get lost etc.

I have been tasked with interfacing with sharepoint to find documents associated with a given client. Each document has sharepoint metadata that stores a ClientNumber, but I am having issues finding how to use the QueryService web service to search on this specific field. There are about 30 document libraries I am to search through, so believe the QueryService is probably a better fit for this particular situation than ListService.

I am using VB code to do the searching, and the following is the querytext I am sending to the QueryEx Function.

...<QueryText type='MSSQLFT'> SELECT rank, title, path, Description, Write, Size, author, sitename, FileExtension, HitHighlightedSummary, HitHighlightedProperties, keywords, IsDocument from Scope() WHERE FREETEXT(DEFAULTPROPERTIES,'" & Me.ClientNumber.Text & "') AND IsDocument = 1 ORDER BY Rank DESC -- </QueryText>...

I would like to be able to include something in the WHERE clause that explicitly says a match must be found in the ClientNumber field but I have yet to find a way to do this, and as a result of this we are getting results where other metadata or one of the document properties such as document size is equal to the client number.

I have found documentation that there is a way to expose metadata through property mappings and this then becomes searchable. I however cannot find a way this is done in WSS 3.0, is this a MOSS 2007 only feature, or a feature available in 2010?

If anyone can tell me if there is possibly some other way to search based on metadata, or give some insight as to where I should be looking for more information it would be greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 

You need to install the Search Server Express from Microsoft, it is free and it gives you the MOSS search engine, where you can do anything you want

Vladi Gubler
Excellent, I'll setup a test server and give that a try. Cheers!
Worked just as expected. Once installed: Search server administration > metadata properties > new managed property > map to crawled property > check off Allow this property to be used in scopes > OK. Thanks for the guidance
Excellent work!
Vladi Gubler