We have a worker role running in the cloud which polls an Azure CloudQueue periodically retrieving messages that a web role has put on there for us. Currently the worker role and web role are housed in the same Cloud Service application and currently we are only running one instance.
As we are testing we have our logging switched on and so the contents of the messages and other useful information appear in our cloud storage which we view using Cerebrata Azure Diagnostics Manager. (Great product btw)
DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration diagConfig = DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration();
diagConfig.Logs.ScheduledTransferLogLevelFilter = LogLevel.Verbose;
It all appears to work remarkably well actually, however occasionally we see a Verbose message in the trace log which simply has "Fail"as the message. The code it appears to be generated from is wrapped in a try catch so it is odd that we aren't seeing the message through those means.
It would appear that something is happening that is out of our code's control, perhaps the worker role is being restarted, or the cloud op system is detecting a major error that only it can deal with by restarting our worker role. It recovers and carries on so it is somewhat of a mystery to us what might be happening.
What we haven't ascertained yet is whether we are losing a message.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Cheers Kindo Malay