i need to mark a batch of rows in the database as "processed".
In the olden days, when things were easier, i would create some SQL that said:
UPDATE Readings SET IsProcessed = 1 WHERE ReadingDateTime IN (
"2010-10-07 22:02:13.327",
"2010-10-07 22:02:14.213",
"2010-10-07 22:02:15.595",
"2010-10-07 23:03:36.981")
by looping through a list of dates:
sql = "UPDATE Readings SET IsProcessed = 1 WHERE ReadingDateTime IN (";
foreach (DateTime datetime in dates)
sql = sql + CRLF+ DateTimeToSql(datetime)+",";
sql = sql+")";
And issue the SQL:
ExecuteNonQuery(connection, sql);
And all was good.
Now i want to try to do things the hard way; i want to try to use parameters:
sql = ???;
command.CommandText = sql;
DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
foreach (DateTime datetime in readings)
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(???, SqlDbType.DateTime) {Value = datetime});
using (DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
command.Transaction = transaction;
The only trick is what to put in the sql
string, and what to put in each iteration of the parameters loop. They need some name.
What's the recommended way to name arbitrary number of parameters?