



Is there any way to control the threshold of the flick action to on/off a toggle switch so that it doesn't mess with the pivot control's navigation?

+3  A: 

Sorry, but I'm going to avoid you're question (I can't answer it anyway) and suggest you use a different approach.
You could (I assume) use a checkbox to just as easily provide the option to the person using the application. Afterall a toggle switch has the same functionality as a checkbox (specify/choose between two states) it just implements the interaction differently.

The toggle switch has not been designed/built (AFAIK) to support being used on top of something which also supports the same gesture.
As a general rule of usability, having controls on top of each other (or even next to each other) which support the same gesture is likely to cause problems for the user. Even if the problems are through accidentaly triggering the wrong gesture or expectations about how their gesture will be interpretted.

In summary: this is a really tricky problem to solve; I don't think you can with the controls as they are; and the problem goes away entirely if you use a different control for toggling anyway.

Matt Lacey

Hi back,

I've had the same problem with my codermate, we've been digging this for many hours and we finally reached the top of the hill and we came up with a solution. This solution works for the bing map control:

on mouse enter: myMapControl.CaptureMouse(); on mouse leave: myMapControl.ReleaseMouseCapture();

And there you go, when you'll navigate inside the map the pivot won't do transition ;) If you don't get the point, just poke me and I'm going to explain with real code (I'm quite busy right now).


Miloud B.
thanks for the idea. will try it out!