


+2  Q: 

C# mvc2 encode url

i'm trying to encode an url with the code below;

var encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("");
var decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode("http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eexample%2Ecom%2F");

I'm working with the google webmaster tools api and this api expects an URL as shown in the decodedUrl variable above. Every single character is encoded there.

When i use the httputility encode function i get the following result;

How can i use the encoding variable in such a way that every character in the url is encoded?

+4  A: 

I'm pretty sure that HtmlUtility and AntiXss (another MS tool for encoding urls) aren't going to help here. A "." in a url is considered valid and so doesn't need to be encoded.

I think you're going to have to post-process your encoded string to further encode other characters that are not valid within teh google webmaster tools API.

i.e. do something like this...

var encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("")
                            .Replace(".", "%2E");

... assuming that "." is the only character you're having problems with.

Martin Peck
Wrote an extension method to replace the characters and it works like a charm. Thanks!
Cool. an extension method will certainly tidy the code up nicely.
Martin Peck
@Martin. Totally agree! It definately cleanes up the code and it's easy maintainable. We use it a lot over here. Lots of projects have a Toolbox included with helpers and extensions methodes which can used overall
+2  A: 

The period is not a reserved character in a URL, so it won't be encoded. See this question and answer for an elegant solution.

Mark B
+1 for the good comment, i'll keep this in mind for final deployment