



I'm trying to use Perl to determine if a Windows users is a member of a Windows group, if the the group contains nested groups.

I've tried using Win32::NetAdmin::GroupIsMember(), but it only works if the user a direct member of the group.

I'm not a AD or LDAP expert, but the examples I googled for exhibit the same behavior.

For example, User "joe" is a member of the group "A". Group "A" is a member of group "B". I want to test to see if joe is member of "B".


You could either use recursion to scan through the AD or (better) enumerate group membership through the SID's. See the following for an example:

I tried that code, but enumerating SIDs only returns the groups that the user is direct member of.
Neil Johnson
I.E. Enumerating SIDS will show user "joe" is member of group A, but not group B.
Neil Johnson
The article I linked to seems to apply to your situation exactly. From the article: "... the user is a member of 'IT Operations', and that group is a member of 'IT Department'." I didn't describe the method in any detail since the article does a better job than I would have. There's a code example in Perl as well.