




Is there a tool out there that can convert a Surescripts XML NewRx message to the NCPDP script 8.1 EDI format?

I did my messaging for Surescripts in XML, and now read the NIST test at http://xw2k.nist.gov/healthcare/docs/170.304.b_ExchangePrescriptionInformation_v1.0.pdf as requiring the EDI format instead!

+1  A: 

There are two tools that I can think of that would be able to help you:

Softshare Delta / ECS - is a universal data translator that can map "any to any". The mapper is quite slick, and inexpensive as well.

The other tool you might want to check out is BridgeGate (www.bridgegateintl.com). They have some solid NCPDP integrations out there.

Thanks. It is a little worrying when they don't give pricing :( I found this site as well http://www.anshealth.com/ which has a GPL component buried inside the suite which does XML to SCRIPT transformations.
Graham Chiu
Delta / ECS should run approx $15K. They were just acquired by Liaison, but I haven't heard of any pricing changes. Their pricing was on their website as recently as last week, but with the acquisition, some of the marketing materials changed on the www.liaison.com site. I can't speak to BridgeGate pricing...you'd have to call if interested.
No need now :) NIST got their test suite wrong and the SCRIPT XML format is now acceptable.
Graham Chiu