I am facing challenges with VMWare Workstation and Player on Windows 7 host.
When a USB device is plugged in, the status bar doesn't display an icon for the recently plugged in device. But pre-configured devices such as mouse, keyboard, and CD player are available in the guest.
If I start the Workstation with a device plugged in, I can see an status bar icon after a couple of minutes. When I click on it to connect, I get this message: The connection for the USB Device "......" was unsuccessful. Driver error.
I've tried a couple of smart phones and a couple of flash drives. All have the same problem. VMWare USB Arbitration Service sounds to be running. I've tried with UBUNTU, Windows XP, and Windows 7 x64 as guests.
I've already used information given in these KBs: - kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=774 - ericwijaya.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/vmware-usb-cannot-connect-to-host-usb/ - www.vmware.com/pdf/ws71_manual.pdf
Where should I look further? Any links with help.