



Hi guys!

I am trying to install Sugar community edition to our host server, but I am getting the PHP SAFE MODE ERRROR, and installation can not proceed. I see that the safe mode is turned off/on in the php.ini, but I dont have access to that file on the server..... Are there any work-arounds this??? I tried with editing the htaccess file like ive googled some suggestions, but nothing worked.. :/

All advices appreciated!


Hi there,

Other than asking your host if they can turn it on you don't have any options unless you switch from a shared server to a VPS. You can find a preety good offer at about 50$/month if you don't need anything much. Or, find a host that allows PHP mode turned on, altough I don't think you'll find any...

@Claudiu: boh...yeah i assumed. I thaught maybe some changes in the Sugar installation files are possible, to avoid this..
Sorry, I don't know Sugar, but if at any point it has to write some files to the server, you most likely need php safe mode off.
some hosts even allow own "ini" settings in the users domain. we have a host her for example where i put a php.ini file into a folder and all php scripts then are being executed with that options from that ini file
On a shared enviroment?