



According to the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines every app needs a launch image. My app is just a navigation controller which contains a table view. How can i simulate an empty tableview and navigation bar as per the guidelines. "Simulate Interface" in IB fills the view with the standard California data.

I tried creating a basic navigation based app and screen grabbed the interface but it wasnt the right size.



A screen grab should be the right size. Don't forget that if your image is for a retina display that you should use a name ending in @2x.png.

Peter DeWeese
Thats a good point about iPhone 4 - if i scale up to 200% will that work? My iMac is the right size, but on my MacBook Pro where i do most of my development work, it is different.
Kind of, but it will look blocky. Did you take a screenshot from the simulator? If so, take one directly from the device by holding the top button while pressing the home button.
Peter DeWeese
Ahhhh ok I'll do that. Since i have an iPhone 4 will that be high enough resolution then for retina display?
Yeah the iPhone 4 screenshot will give you a retina image. Save that as your @2x image, scale it down 50%, and save that as your normal image.
Peter DeWeese