I am learning Perl and wrote this script to practice using STDIN. When I run the script, it only shows the first print statement on the console. No matter what I type in, including new lines, the console doesn't show the next print statement. (I'm using ActivePerl on a Windows machine.) It looks like this:
$perl script.pl What is the exchange rate? 90.45 [Cursor stays here]
This is my script:
use warnings; use strict;
print "What is the exchange rate? ";
my @exchangeRate = <STDIN>;
print "What is the value you would like to convert? ";
chomp(my @otherCurrency = <STDIN>);
my @result = @otherCurrency / @exchangeRate;
print "The result is @{result}.\n";
One potential solution I noticed while researching my problem is that I could include
use IO::Handle;and
flush STDIN; flush STDOUT;in my script. These lines did not solve my problem, though.
What should I do to have STDIN behave normally? If this is normal behavior, what am I missing?