




I have the following code;

Public Sub writetofile()

  ' 1: Append playername
    Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("highscores.txt", True)
    End Using

    ' 2: Append score
    Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("highscores.txt", True)
    End Using

End Sub

What I now want to do is read all the odd lines of the file (the player names) and the even lines into two separate list boxes, how would I go about that??

I need to modify;

Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("file.txt")
            ' Read one line from file
            line = reader.ReadLine
        End Using

I have used one of the following solutions but cannot get it working :(

Public Sub readfromfile()
    Using reader As New StreamReader("scores.txt", True)
        Dim line As Integer = 0
        While Not reader.EndOfStream
            If line Mod 2 = 0 Then
            End If
            line += 1
        End While
    End Using
End Sub
+1  A: 

I don't really know the syntax of VB but something like this:

dim odd as boolean = True
Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("file.txt")
            line = reader.ReadLine
            if odd then 
                ' add to list A
                ' add to list B
            odd = Not Odd
End Using
Preet Sangha
+3  A: 

You can use the Mod operator for this:

Using reader As New StreamReader("highscores.txt", True)
    Dim line As Integer = 0
    Dim text As String
        text = reader.ReadLine()
        If text = Nothing Then
            Exit Do
        End If

        If line Mod 2 = 0 Then
            ''# even line
            ''# odd line                        
        End If
        line += 1
End Using

This approach also works for cases when it's not an even/odd pattern, but another number of repetions. Say you have 3 lines for each player:

player name 1
score 1
avatar url 1
player name 2
score 2
avatar url 2

Then you can get this pattern by using Mod with 3

Dim subLine As Integer = line Mod 3
If  subLine = 0 Then
    ''# player name
ElseIf subLine = 1 Then
    ''# score                 
    ''# avatar url
End If
line += 1
Fredrik Mörk
+1 wanted to post the same answer
this will keep looping to the EOF, correct?
@Connnnoorr: yes.
Fredrik Mörk
Actually, that will be an endless loop because your While loop has no statement that advances the stream pointer! You need a ReadLine or something in there somewhere.
Chris Dunaway
@Chris: you are absolutely correct, thanks for pointing it out. Updated answer to be more complete (that's what I get for not actually running the code).
Fredrik Mörk
+2  A: 

If you can reliably expect there to be an even number of lines in the file, then you can simplify this by reading two at a time.

Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader("file.txt")
    While Not reader.EndOfStream
        Dim player as String = reader.ReadLine()
        Dim otherInfo as String = reader.ReadLine()

        'Do whatever you like with player and otherInfo
    End While
End Using
Adam Robinson

Another possibility is to just read the whole file as a block into a single string and the SPLIT the string on vbcrlf

    Dim buf = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Filename)
    Dim Lines() = Split(Buf, vbcrlf)

Then, lines will contain all the lines from the file, indexed.

So you could step through them to get each player and his other info.

 For x = 0 to ubound(Lines)
       'do whatever with each line

If the file was HUGE, you wouldn't necessarily want to do it this way, but for small files, it's a quick and easy way to handle it.
