I am running into a peculiar problem when I am trying to invoke h:inputText label field value on validation. It only works when I pass a static value to label field. The time I pass a dynamic value to it, it fails to render the label when some validation fails for that field.
<h:inputText id="fullNameField" value="#{newUserFormBean.fullName}"
**label="${nlsSupport.label_fullName}"** required="true" size="32" styleClass="required">
<f:validateLength minimum="3" maximum="64"/>
If the validation fails for Minimum length, the error message is displayed as:
no label rendered here: must be minimum 3 characters
But when I hard code the label instead of passing a dynamic value to it, it displays a valid validation message, with label name printed on screen.
<h:inputText id="fullNameField" value="#{newUserFormBean.fullName}"
**label="Full Name"** required="true" size="32" styleClass="required">
<f:validateLength minimum="3" maximum="64"/>
Now, if the validation fails for Minimum length, the error message is displayed as:
Full Name: must be minimum 3 characters
I have also looked at the JSF documentation, and it reads that the label accepts expression language expressions. So why is the dynamic value passed not rendering after failure validation?
Also, I need to pass the label dynamically (from Resource bundle), so as to add National Language Feature for different languages. This is the reason which forces me to pass a dynamic value to the label attribute instead of a static field.