




I have a fairly new website which allows people to create their own profiles and such. The issue is that when someone links to their profile from their website/blog, their profile shows up in google searches for my website - and to date the one person who has done this has a NSFW profile. Which means, when you search for my site on Google one of the top results is a NSFW page.

How do I prevent google from listing subpages in the results? Would robots.txt solve this? And if a page is already listed, will adding an entry in robots.txt disallowing access to profile pages in general end up removing it from the results?


Just delete them!

John Powell
somehow I think just deleting my members' profiles is not good for business
Or you could simply delete them!
John Powell
Deleting will also work. No Problems after that! Infact, if you remove all of the files with the exception of your index... you should be just fine
John Powell
+1  A: 

robots.txt will solve it to some extent. If there are direct external links, then I have found that google still indexes them.

Go to http://webmaster.google.com, get your website claimed, and then use their URL removal tool.

Lou Franco

Yes, see http://www.robotstxt.org/. Just list things like "Disallow: /profile/" etc and google will stop indexing them and after a time, remove them.
