I want to display complex numbers in trig form. For example:
z = (-4)^(1/4);
I'm not sure what the command for that is, and its silly to write:
I thought, that the command was ExpToTrig
, but solution can't possibly be just 1+i
(Or can it, and I'm misusing it?). How do display complex number in trig form.
Command is ExpToTrig
, it just does not give all the solutions (or i have failed to find out how). Finally solved my problem with writing a pure function NrootZpolar[n][z]
NrootZpolar :=
( Abs[y] ^ (1/x) *
( Cos[((Arg[y] + 360° * Range[0, x - 1]) / x)] +
I*Sin[((Arg[y] + 360° * Range[0, x - 1]) / x)]))
And use:
In[689]:= FullSimplify[NrootZpolar1[4][-4]]
Out[689]= {1 + I, -1 + I, -1 - I, 1 - I}
To visualize:
ComplexListPlot[list_] := ListPlot[Transpose[{Re[list], Im[list]}], AxesLabel -> {Re, Im}, PlotLabel -> list, PlotMarkers -> Automatic]
Manipulate[ComplexListPlot[FullSimplify[NrootZpolar1[n][z]]], {z, -10, 10}, {n, 1, 20}]