




i'm new to mvc. I'm displaying data from a linq to sql query but unsure how to render a a list of data in a 2 column table.

eg. A list of products. I've seen this example, but wondering if there are any other suggestions -

Hence if i have 6 products returned, i want them displayed in a table in this format, see below.

alt text regards


I presume what you are asking is how to write a table without having to write/use a template as in the blog post. Its simple. Just type the definition into the view itself. Remember that, in a sense, a view is just a template, that takes your model and spits out html.

Using the article, and assuming you have a strongly typed view using a Model that holds the results of your query, lets say, an IEnumerable MyData, just type into your view:

      Column Name 1
      Column Name 2
    <% foreach (var x in Model.MyData) { %>
        <%: x.Column1 %>
        <%: x.Column2 %>
      <% } %>

The above assumes that each object in MyData has two properties, Column1 and Column2. Adapt, style to taste and enjoy.

The above also assumes mvc 2. Otherwise, you need to replace <%: with <%=. If the data comes from user input, in mvc 1 you have to html encode the data to avoid xss. The mvc 2 syntax (<%: %>) html encodes for you, so not necessary in that case.
hi, when i meant 2 columns , i mean 2 products per table row, as per my now amended example. does that make sense?
Next time, could you put some more effort into writing a clear question? I'm outta here.
thanks for your help
+1  A: 

This isn't the cleanest (definitely ugly to look at)... but you could add a boolean that you toggle so you can alternate between rendering the left and right column when rendering each product. IE:

<% bool left = true;
foreach (var item in Model) { %>
  <%: left ? "<tr>" : "" %>
    <%: item.SomeProperty %>
  <%: !left ? "</tr>" : "" %>
<% left = !left; } %>
<% if (!left) { //need to end the lastrow if we had an odd number of items %>
<% } %>

There is probably a better way to do this, but this is what first comes to mind.

thanks for this, i'm evaluating this before i vote for it. i'm surprised this in't easier.
this was useful as it put me on the right path.
+1  A: 

You could also use div's instead of a table (this is what I would do to be honest), which would make it a LOT cleaner:

<style type="text/css">
    .products { width:600px; }
    .product { width:280px; margin-right:20px; float:left; height:150px; }

<div class="products">
    <% foreach (var item in Model) { %>    
    <div class="product">
        <%: item.SomeProperty %>
        <%: item.AnotherProperty %>
    <% } %>
    <div style="clear:left;"></div>

this is what i came up with, it's not the cleanest code, but there doesn't seem to be a clear cut way of doing this.

        int productCount = 0;

        foreach (var x in Model)

            if (productCount % 2 == 1)
           <% }

        if (productCount % 2 == 1)
