



Possible Duplicate:
Can Someone Explain MySQL's License and What it Means to Closed Source Development?

I know of an application that is closed source but can connect to a MySQL database. I know that MySQL has commercial licensing and a FOSS exception, but I was curious about this case. The program is free-as-in-beer but not as-in-speech nor is the source available. The program itself isn't distributed with a MySQL server process itself but does have the ability to connect to MySQL. Is this a legitimate distribution?

I ask because I'm curious, but also because a friend recently approach me on how to access a SQL database in a closed source proprietary program. Would said friend need a commercial license, or is there some other way to do it? Excuse my ignorance!


The question in this case is, how is the used MySQL connector licensed?

By default MySQL offers everything with the GPL license which would require you to open source it. If you want to get around that, you'll have to buy a license for the MySQL connector.

@WoLpH Or find a more permissive DB connector...
@pst: very true, but that is usually a bit more difficult.