



How can I sign a managed c++ dll with a .pfx file??

Or is there a way to include the unsigned managed c++ dll in a signed c# project? I realy dont need a signed dll I just need VS to stop giving me the Error "Referenced assembly 'SlimDX' does not have a strong name." in my c# project that must be signed.


If you are building the dll, there is a post build step in VS that will allow you to run the signing utility. Check out this link (for .Net 4.0, there are other versions available from the page)

On another note, I don't think you will be able to sign your dll and include an unsigned dll, so you will either have to sign the C++/CLI dll or not sign yours.

So I added the line "[assembly:AssemblyKeyFileAttribute("VOS.snk")];" in my AssemblyInfo.cpp file. But now it gives me the error "Key file "VOS.snk" is missing the private key needed for signing"... I have the pfx file, but how am I suppose to use it?
You need to extract your private key from the pfx file. I haven't ever done that, I usually just have an snk file for my signing. You can check out this link: for help, I briefly looked at the answer links and they may offer some help.
sn.exe supports signing with PFX files ( This might be problematic if you're making this a post-build step, however, since sn.exe will ask for the PFX file's password.