I'm fetching an a HTML page and try to get some of it's content to show it in a table view. Following the documentation I tried NSXMLDocument and NSXmlParser but could not get any of them to give me the right data back :-(
The page I'm trying to scrap is http://www.instapaper.com/u
The code I'm using is
NSXMLDocument * doc = [[NSXMLDocument alloc]
initWithXMLString: data
options: NSXMLDocumentTidyHTML
error: &error];
NSArray* rows = [doc nodesForXPath:@"//div[class='tableViewCell']" error:&error];
to get DIVs with class=tableViewCell.
If I only search for //div I get back a lots of them, but filtering by class seems not to be working :-(
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for any help, Miguel