




I have an inclusion tag that is coded something like this:

@register.inclusion_tag('forms/my_insert.html', takes_context=True)
def my_insert(context):
    # set up some other variables for the context
    return context

In my template, I include it by putting in {% my_insert %}

New Feature Request

We now want to test a new layout -- it's just a change to the template, no change to the context variables. I'm accomplishing this by calling the first

@register.inclusion_tag('forms/my_new_insert.html', takes_context=True)
def my_new_insert(context):
    return my_insert(context)

To use the new template, I have to use:

{% ifequal some_var 0 %}
    {% my_insert %}
{% endifequal %}
{% ifnotequal some_var 0 %}
    {% my_new_insert %}
{% endifnotequal %}

The Question

Is there a way to choose the template in the function which sets up the template tag context?

I imagine it might be something like:

@register.inclusion_tag('forms/my_insert.html', takes_context=True)
def my_insert(context):
    # set up some other variables for the context
    if context['some_var'] == 0:
        context['template'] = 'forms/my_insert.html'
        context['template'] = 'forms/my_new_insert.html'
    return context

You need to create your own custom tag, with parameter which will be your template. Where is no way to use inclusion tag with several templates.

Andrey Gubarev