+2  A: 

You should never make synchronous network calls, it will freeze up your UI (and therefore your phone) which is a very bad user experience.

Instead do it asynchronously, something like:

wp.pubTimeLine(url, result => textBlock1.DataContext = result);

Where the second parameter is a lambda expression containing the callback that is called when the pubTimeLine method is done executing asynchronously.

yeah,thanks ~ I will try it
Perhaps it is a stupid question,but i dont know how it works?Can you explain more?Or give me a study link~thanks~
Here's a post on a similar subject I wrote a while back: http://justinmchase.com/post/2008/04/23/Thinking-Async-1-Asynchronous-Data-Access-in-Silverlight-20.aspx
Also the secret sauce is in something called a Lambda Expression: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397687.aspx Also try reading up on "Continuation Passing Style".