



Hi, I have the following code:

function loadTweets() {
        return false;

                var searchTerm = $('#search').val();
                var baseUrl = "";
                $.getJSON(baseUrl + searchTerm + "&callback=?", function(data) {
                $.each(data.results, function() {
                .append('<img src="' + this.profile_image_url + '" />')
                .append('<span><a href="'
                this.from_user + '" target="_blank">' + this.from_user
                '</a>&nbsp;' + this.text + '</span>')

$(document).ready(function() {

The code works fine but i want to append to the div 'tweets', the data from the JSON but not all at once, i want it step by step, can you give me an idea pls.Best regards

+1  A: 

You can add more delay based on the index, like this:

$.each(data.results, function(i) {
    .append('<img src="' + this.profile_image_url + '" />')
    .append('<span><a href="' +
             this.from_user + '" target="_blank">' + this.from_user +
             '</a>&nbsp;' + this.text + '</span>')
    .delay(800 + 200 * i)

The first parameter to the .each() callback is the index, 0 based, so in the above code the first tweet fades in in 800ms, the next 200ms later, etc. Just fine tune the numbers as needed.

Nick Craver
Thx Nick, your code is working great!
@Alesio - welcome :) be sure to [accept answers]( on this and your previous/future questions!
Nick Craver