




I have just started learning Yahoo Pipes and I am trying to build a Formula 1 RSS feed. I want to make a mash-up of RSS feeds from F1 sites and sites with Formula 1 content. I am trying to take an existing RSS feed(s), go to the page referred to by the link, captures the main body or full text of the content of the page referred to in the feed, and then build it into a new feed. The problem I am having is that, no matter what delimiters I use, I do not seem to be able to grab the full text and just end up with the RSS feed snippet each time.

This is what I have so far - F1 RSS Builder. Eventually RssUrl will be replaced by a FetchFeed list of relevant RSS feeds. The two test feeds I am trying to convert are www.formula1.com/rss/news/features.rss and www.espnf1.com/rss/motorsport/story/feeds/0.xml?type=2.

Sorry, as a newbie here, I can only post one link.

Any help at all would be much appreciated.