I am testing CSS3 3D Transform in Safari, but I found that the 3D model is far from my knowledge. After consulting the Holy W3C Document, i discovered all transform rules in CSS3 will be translated to transform matrix which is similar to the one used in SVG standards : http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#TranslationDefined OMG, I am not good at math. Is there anybody who can explain to me how to understand the behavior of transform functions such as rotateX, perspective, etc
I haven't gotten round to looking at it properly, but I'm no good at maths either. Try this though, might help understand how properties work the http://westciv.com/tools/3Dtransforms/
2010-10-16 08:26:43
I've generally found I have not needed the actual transformation matrix for anything I've done. Use the individual properties instead. I use http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/InternetWeb/Conceptual/SafariVisualEffectsProgGuide/Transforms/Transforms.html as documentation.
2010-10-16 20:38:42
thx~it seems its 3d model is fairly simple if you read some books about computer graphics......
2010-10-18 07:09:09