




I have simple remoting API that has method similar to this:

bool FillMyList(List<string> ListToFill)
    ListToFill.Add("more stuff");

But, when I call it through a proxy object, upon return, ListToFill stays as it was (in my case, empty).

What now? I must point out that rest of my methods are called fine - they pass parameters in one direction and have return value for the other.

+1  A: 

All you typically get back from Remoting calls is the return value; the parameters are not marshalled across, usually. Marking the parameter ref probably won't help, but it may depend on how you are doing the remoting. Having the function return the list itself instead of the bool or a custom object that includes both, should solve it.

Andrew Barber
Yes, it seems like no-one knows how to force marshaller to pass object to and FROM the remote side... Possible?
Daniel Mošmondor