I would like to deactivate the right click in my app that offers the option to install the app on the desktop. How do I do such thing?
Right click on the project in Visual Studio and select properties. There is a check-box "enable running out of browser" option there.
2010-10-18 01:01:55
Here's a hackish way to do it for older versions of SilverLight from a silverlight forum:
<div id="silverlightObjDiv">
<!-- silverlight object here -->
document.getElementById('silverlightObjDiv').oncontextmenu = disableRightClick;
function disableRightClick(e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.preventDefault) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
If you are using a recent version, you can disable this behavior from the properties of your project.
Michael Goldshteyn
2010-10-18 01:02:34