




I find the question on stackoverflow related to font issue and because of that alignment problem on Ubuntu FF.

After reading that question's answer, I understood that on Ubuntu may be the font is not by default installed like "Arial", "verdana" etc.

So, can somebody tell me how to put a css hack for Ubuntu OS Firefox so that all things work properly.

Note: I need not to change the font, the ubuntu FF will do this automatically when it will not find the default font, I only need to updated the letter-spacing and word-spacing of the font.

Is there any hack style available for Ubuntu FF? like for IE6 it is "_" and for IE 7 it is "*"?


+3  A: 

Have a look at this font here:

These fonts are metric-compatible with Monotype Corporation's Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New (respectively),

So basically, you'll be looking to adding Liberation Sans in your font stack.

font-family: Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif;

Do note that Verdana is a poor substitute for Arial, as the two have very different widths.

Yi Jiang