



I'm trying to use the scale effect from the jQuery UI library on a wrapper element that contains a Flash object.

The problem I'm encountering is that the content of my wrapper is automatically moved into another wrapper (.ui-effects-wrapper), and when this happens the Flash object reloads.

Of course, the specific problem here has to do with the tactic employed by jQuery UI — but generally, is it possible to move a Flash object within the DOM without it reloading?

+1  A: 
A very informed response, thanks for your time... I particularly enjoyed reading bug 90268! While I'm not any closer to moving a Flash object, I'd say knowing limits like this one is just as important as knowing what I *can* do.
You're welcome. It occurs to me that, depending on what your larger goal is, you might be able to get away with a `position:absolute` container whose `top`/`left` properties you manipulate from JS?