



Hello everyone!

I know I'm asking a question that probably has no definite answer, but please, I would like any and all opinions you might have. I used to be a big fan of LINQ2SQL because of it's ease of use. I used to hate creating stored procedures and would use Linq2Sql's lambda expressions instead. But main drawback i saw with L2S was inability to just update model when database schema was changed: I'd have to drop the object that was updated and reimport it. Also I felt that L2S was generating unnecessarily big objects for what I was doing. So I gradually switched to custom-writing DTOs and Data Access classes, using stored procedures and stuff. And I really feel comfortable with the way I do things: It's plain and simple, no cluttered code and easily maintained. But yeah, it takes some tedious work to create all those DTOs and Data Access methods, and bigger a database object is, heavier the task. So I remembered that there was this big buzz back in 2008 about EF. That it's gonna make L2S look stupid. So my question here is, is there a considerable improvement in EF 4.0 compared to L2S? And will it worth it to try and move on to EF from my custom classes?

Thanks in advance