



Hi, Is there a way to send raw packet Ethernet to other host via C#? In Windows 7 if it makes difference.

Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
IPEndPoint ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 4456);


byte[] sendData = new byte[] { 0, 8, 32, 64 };

//done. now let's listen for data

byte[] receiveData = new byte[1024];
int receivedDataLength = server.Receive(receiveData);

//if the response is a string message
string stringData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveData, 0, receivedDataLength);
This is a TCP packet, not an ethernet packet... You're 2 layers too high on the stack ;)
Thomas Levesque
Ah I see. Comprehension fail.

iphelper API has some low level stuff - but probably not quite as low as you want to get

+3  A: 

Based on suggestion by Saint_pl:

I found probably better solution - similar to SharpPcap. It's Pcap.Net - .NET wrapper for WinPcap. Now I can modify my packets whatever I want.

I have some resources for you that maybe helpful. I don't try that solutions in Windows 7 but maybe it contains some good info to start.

Raw Ethernet Packet Manipulation or mirror on CodeProject

This purpose of this article is to explain how to send a raw Ethernet packet using C# on a Microsoft platform. A raw Ethernet packet is the complete Layer 2 network frame that is sent to the physical wire. Sending a frame like this allows you to manipulate the target and source MAC addresses and the Layer 3 protocol fields.

Also some info on raw sockets (just in case you interesting too):

Client (and Server) Sockets Communication take a look on whole chapter but here key parts:

Not sending packets but maybe interesting: A Network Sniffer in C#, SharpPcap - A Packet Capture Framework for .NET

Nick Martyshchenko
I think Raw Ethernet Packet Sending from CodeProject will help me. And btw I suppose it's one and only way that I was found to send ethernet packet with e.g changed mac address via C#.
Raw ethernet manipulation is pretty low level. To complete your task at good level you certainly need some knowledge about Network Driver Interface Specification and understanding device drivers (and its API). Don't skip it. C# alone don't give you full power in that task.
Nick Martyshchenko
I found probably better solution - similar to SharpPcap. It's - .NET wrapper for WinPcap. Now I can modify my packets whatever I want. Thanx :)
Welcome :) Glad to see that you have nice solution for your task.
Nick Martyshchenko