



In openGL, I have a 3D model I'm performing a ray-triangle intersection on, using the code explained in the paper "Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection" ( ).

My cursor position is unprojected into world space using the following code:

bool SCamera::unproject(Vector3 input, Vector3 & output){

  GLint viewport[4]; 
  glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT,viewport); //Grab screen info

  float x = input.mX; 
  float y = input.mY;
  float z = input.mZ;

  Matrix4 P, Mv, res;

  P = getProjection();
  Mv = getCameraTransform();

  Vector3 N; //Cursor point translated to having 0,0 at screen center
  N.mX = ((x-viewport[0]) / viewport[2])*2 - 1;
  N.mY = ((y-viewport[1]) / viewport[3])*2 - 1;
  N.mZ = z*2-1;

  res = P * Mv; //Multiply P * Mv to get transform
  Vector3 w = res.inverse() * N; //Apply transform to N.

  output.mX = w[0];
  output.mY = w[1];
  output.mZ = w[2];
  return true;

After that, I form a ray by doing the following:

unproject(Vector3(xClick, yClick,0),resultUnproject)
ray.origin = cameraPosition;
ray.direction = resultUnproject - ray.origin;

Now, finally I'm trying to run this ray through the triangle code (linked above), but I can't seem to transform it right. My current attempt is as follows:

Matrix4 mview, T;
mview = getModelview();
T = mview.inverse();
ray.origin = T*ray.origin;
ray.direction = T*ray.direction;

For some reason, this doesn't work. Am I forming my ray wrong? Or transforming it wrong?

+1  A: 

One method might be:

Take your ray origin, and work out a point at a unit distance in the direction of the ray in world space. Then, do your transformation to both points - i.e. multiply by the inverse of the transformation matrix. You can then determine the new ray direction from the difference between the two translated points. Checking if this direction is different to the original will quickly tell you whether you are missing a step.

Awesome! This is a very nice way of debugging things that I hadn't thought of. Thanks.
Ian Nafiri
Unfortunately, I'm still having trouble. Would you mind looking over the short code excerpts listed above?
Ian Nafiri
@Ian - I don't think I can be all that much help, since it's a bit removed from the OGL stuff I'm used to, and I'm a quaternion guy ;) The formation of the ray does seem a little suspect to me - usually with glFrustum, you can work out a 'pyramid' with the user at (0,0) and the screen at the bottom - the base depends on *both* the viewport size and the coordinate ranges.
@sje397 - Thanks. :) I've been whacking my head against this for half a week now, so any new area of research is useful. You've been a ton of help just pointing out areas to look at. I'll just keep at it until I get it right.
Ian Nafiri

So I finally got this working, though I'm not satisfied with how. In my case individual model rotation is applied as a transform before rendering, so I ended up having to transformed the target triangle by the modelview matrix.

What I was trying to do above was compute a ray that would serve the same purpose, by moving the ray's origin around the object so it's as if the object had been rotated. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite get the math right.

The end result means one transform per triangle, instead of one per ray. Luckily enough it doesn't seem to be that bad of a performance hit, as I'm only using this for picking.

Ian Nafiri