




Please do any one have idea how to Use Forms created in VB 6.0 in VB.NET .......please help i m stuck


Good Luck. See Abandoning the Fantasy of VB Migration Wizardry for a clear description of what's involved and references to further information and tools.

Eric Towers
Irrelevant. The questionner is looking for interop not upgrade.
Your assertion is not supported by the questioner's wording. The video he posted in comment 46 minutes ago doesn't clarify his intentions. If taken at face value he now wants to port an ActiveX DLL into VB.NET. To which I still say, "Good Luck" and follow up with "You're going to need it."
Eric Towers
+1  A: 

Try this post:


Having done this myself several times in the past, let me just say this is not fun stuff.

+4  A: 
  1. Put your VB 6 in a DLL. Create a public method that invokes a modal dialog from VB 6.
  2. From your .NET program, reference the DLL built in VB 6 (COM tab)
  3. Invoke the method. Your VB6 modal form will appear.

If you want to show a modeless form, you may be out of luck because VB 6 requires that the caller of the dialog do special processing in the message pump. However, you may be able to trick the system by trying this: From the VB 6 code, rather than calling the Show method of the VB 6 form, set the .Visible property of the VB 6 modeless form to True. It will probably work. Some things may not work such as button shortcuts, and some ActiveX controls embedded in the VB 6 code might have problems.

Thanks for the feedback Asad.