Both articles says that string is NOT a primitive type. Which it is not.
If you compile and run the example code from the second article it would print:
string is not a primitive type.
I think the confusion about this is, that the syntax of of creating a new string is similar to creating valye types.
When defining a value type all of these are equal (on a 32 bit system anyway)
System.Int32 a = new System.Int32(5);
System.Int32 a = 5;
int a = 5;
Just like these when creating a reference type string:
System.String s = new System.String(new char[]{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'});
System.String s = "hello";
string s = "hello";
Also we can compare strings by value even though they are reference types:
s == "hello";//true
This still does not make string a primitive type..
The accepted answer to this question should give you details on that.