



I'm having problems with this website

The website is fine in most browsers however in IE the drop downs go behind the slider. I'm using aviaslider and super suckerfish for the navs.

Any CSS experts out there can have a quick look and let me know what I need to change so this problem is fixed.


You just need the HTML5 shiv by the looks of it.

Try this in ur <head>

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
Rocket Ronnie
He does the necessary element creation for IE in a local script.
Ian Devlin
Yes i use is their a difference between the two?
+2  A: 

The problem is with IE7 and is not to do with HTML5. Instead it is a conflict with the z-index of the aviaslider and associated script.

Adding position: relative and z-index: 99 to the <nav> element should fix the problem.

John Catterfeld
I commented above saying more or less exactly that, but my comment has disappeared. I think it was on a comment which was deleted. Oh well.
Ian Devlin
Yes, I saw your comment, although from my tests I deduced the z-index was required on the parent <nav> rather than the <ul>, which was worth pointing out.
John Catterfeld
Hey guys thanks just uploaded the updated code. Can you confirm if it works?
Yes, works for me in IE9, IE8, IE7, FF3.6 and Chrome 6.
John Catterfeld
Thanks John for the feedback