Here's a quick replacement for RevisionSet that makes it into a set. It should be much faster. I didn't fully test it, but it worked with all of the tests that I did. There are undoubtedly other ways to speed things up, but I think that this will really help because it actually harnesses the fast implementation of sets rather than doing loops in Python which the original code was doing in functions like __sub__
and __and__
. The only problem with it is that the iterator isn't sorted. You might have to change a little bit of the code to account for this. I'm sure there are other ways to improve this, but hopefully it will give you a good start.
class RevisionSet(set):
A set of revisions, held in dictionary form for easy manipulation. If we
were to rewrite this script for Python 2.3+, we would subclass this from
set (or UserSet). As this class does not include branch
information, it's assumed that one instance will be used per
def __init__(self, parm):
"""Constructs a RevisionSet from a string in property form, or from
a dictionary whose keys are the revisions. Raises ValueError if the
input string is invalid."""
revision_range_split_re = re.compile('[-:]')
if isinstance(parm, set):
print "1"
elif isinstance(parm, list):
parm = parm.strip()
if parm:
for R in parm.split(","):
rev_or_revs = re.split(revision_range_split_re, R)
if len(rev_or_revs) == 1:
elif len(rev_or_revs) == 2:
raise ValueError, 'Ill formatted revision range: ' + R
def sorted(self):
return sorted(self)
def normalized(self):
"""Returns a normalized version of the revision set, which is an
ordered list of couples (start,end), with the minimum number of
revnums = sorted(self)
ret = []
while revnums:
s = e = revnums.pop()
while revnums and revnums[-1] in (e, e+1):
e = revnums.pop()
ret.append((s, e))
return ret
def __str__(self):
"""Convert the revision set to a string, using its normalized form."""
L = []
for s,e in self.normalized():
if s == e:
L.append(str(s) + "-" + str(e))
return ",".join(L)
By the way, I compared doing unions, intersections and subtractions of the original RevisionSet and my RevisionSet above, and the above code is from 3x to 7x faster for those operations when operating on two RevisionSets that have 75000 elements. I know that other people are saying that numpy is the way to go, but if you aren't very experienced with Python, as your comment indicates, then you might not want to go that route because it will involve a lot more changes. I'd recommend trying my code, seeing if it works and if it does, then see if it is fast enough for you. If it isn't, then I would try profiling to see what needs to be improved. Only then would I consider using numpy (which is a great package that I use quite frequently).