in Jobeet there is this part below of the schema:
_attributes: { isI18N: true, i18nTable: jobeet_category_i18n }
id: ~
id: { type: integer, required: true, primaryKey: true, foreignTable: jobeet_category, foreignReference: id }
culture: { isCulture: true, type: varchar, size: 7, required: true, primaryKey: true }
name: { type: varchar(255), required: true }
slug: { type: varchar(255), required: true }
I have created the corresponding modules in the backend, but when i try to create a new "jobeet_category_i18n" i miss the select that would permit choose a "jobeet_category" object.
Anyway i try to create it, but as i expected an error message that speaks about the foreign key is showed.
Is that schema ok? why is not showed the select to choose a "jobeet_category" object?