I have 3 drop down list having Date,Month ,Year.So when Updating I want this 3 Field to be a single Datafield in Sql Database. Iam using Asp.Net 2.0 Version(VB.Net).(Now these 3 Dropdown list values are saved as 3 Datafields in sql Database)
I take it you're using a SqlCommand for this? Here's some sample, non-compiling code which I'll whip up for you here:
Dim cmd as SqlCommand("update tableX set dt = @var where ID = 1");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var", new DateTime(CInt(day.SelectedValue), CInt(month.SelectedValue, CInt(year.SelectedValue)));
Dave Markle
2008-12-29 03:53:28
Where is your validation?
Todd Smith
2008-12-29 04:59:16
It blows and exception in the DateTime Constructor so you wont get bad dates in the DB but the user experience ain't going to be good.
2008-12-29 05:02:19
If the DateTime constructor throws, you could always, uh, catch it.
Dave Markle
2008-12-29 12:55:42
Why not use a date/time picker instead? It seems to me to be a better idea than your own triplet of day, month and year.
2008-12-29 03:53:35
This reduces the chance of honest mistakes. With a good calendar control, an honest user isn't going to enter "9/31/1977" or "2/29/1900". (I know that you can repopulate the day list in javascript to correspond to the correct # of days in the month.)
2008-12-29 04:12:36
This also reduces a lot of code for checking valid dates and updating the other controls based on a user selection from another.
2008-12-29 04:37:02
Join up the values:
month + "/" + day + "/" + year
and use DateTime.Parse() or DateTime.TryParse() to convert them to a date. If you are concerned about the date format for your culture, pass in a CultureInfo object. Add your own validation as needed.
Not foolproof, but it might satisfy your requirement.
H. Abraham Chavez
2010-03-29 19:31:23