



Is there anyway to make the OOB version of my Silverlight app open(if installed) when i go to <--- where the Xap is loaded.

Just like a irc client opens when i go to irc://servername

but instead of prefix can my app open the OOB version if App.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed when it's loaded in the browser?.

+1  A: 

As of Silverlight 4 there is no way of launching oob application from the url. Irc and other applications can register custom url protocol handler to launch themselves from url. If you can create native application and install it on user's computer you could use it as a launcher for your oob application.

So there is no way for silverlight to invoke/open the OOB version of itself if its installed?.
Chris Schroeder
no, not at this time. I think it might be considered as a feature for next Silverlight, but for now you are out of luck.