




I'm looking for a well designed, efficient and robust C++ cross-database and cross-platform database communication library. I need support for

  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Firebird (optional)
  • MSSQL (optional)

When I say cross-platform I really mean cross-platform, I need something similar to boost.

Currently I'm researching soci, but

  • I'm not sure how portable and good this library is
  • I would like to have an alternatives.

Currently I'm using Qt, but I don't like using Qt only for database communication, while no other Qt features used. It's a temporary solution and I'm looking for a replacement.

What libraries do you use? What can you recommend? If you know any really good and portable Oracle communication library that's also acceptable, but cross-database is preferred.



Using: Progress DataDirect Connect® and Connect XE

Intresting options:

oluies - not enough cross-platform. It supports only gcc, visual studio and borland c++ and not even free.
DataDirect Connect® and Connect XE - looks like it uses ODBC. I forgot to say that it's better to have native connection to the database, but if there will be no other choice that is acceptable.
Actually I'm not asking to search something for me, I'm asking to share your experience with specific libraries. I don't want to download (or buy) some library, which in fact doesn't work as it should and therefore spend time.
I have been using Progress DataDirect. It has a has a big user base, such as Tibco and IBMs C++ based products. ODBC is OK nowadays, but native libraries are better. if you are using C++ inhouse the licence/price is not that bad, but if you are distributing open source componenents it is horrible...