



Could anyone suggest the best Build Tools for use in the build process when building a blackberry application.

Is it just the creation of an ANT project, does that cope with signing etc?

Is there a better tool out there? I'd prefer a lightweight Windows solution.

I normally use Automated Build Studio -- it can build ANT and it can also compile Java.

+4  A: 

I don't know of any serious alternative to bb-ant-tools.

Michael Donohue
thanks, I had come across their web site on source forge, I'll investigate it some more. If no more people come back with a suggestion, I'll make you for the best answer, thanks Michael.
Mike D
Yep, I'll agree with that - though like most things BlackBerry, I wish there was a more supported RIM version.
+1 on bb-ant-tools
Marc Novakowski
We use it and were able to integrate it easily into TFS (MSBUILD) using VS Team Explorer Everywhere 2010 (formally Teamprise ).
Thanks for the tip !
Mike D