



Possible Duplicates:
Open source Python project to contribute to
What are good open source projects in Python for which I can be a contributor?


I was wondering what are some open source projects that are easy to code for and contribute to for a beginner. I obviously don't expect to get into feature development, since I'm relatively new to Python, but would like to take a shot at fixing some bugs, minor changes, etc.

I'm pretty much looking for what this guy was, but in Python :)

Sorry if this is a repeat.


+1  A: 

MoinMoin, the Python powered Wiki engine.

Check out the GSoC list of projects too. You can filter on Python there.

+1  A: 

I think any major Python web framework is a good fit, Django, web2py, Turbogears.

But it really depends what are you interest, check out Github there are a lot of small and interesting projects there. Also take a look at Bitbucket.

If you are into OS stuff Gentoo have a lot of it's package managment system built with Python, I think that is also true for Ubuntu.


+2  A: 

It depends on what you're interested in, but if you're aiming to eventually work on a web framework, it might be better to start on a site using one of those frameworks rather than the framework itself.

If you're looking for something very simple to start out on, I might suggest this project a friend has started: Plenty of work to do, and the chance to get used to Django and South, both of which are projects constantly looking for developers.

Nick Barnwell