




<div style='width:500px'>  
  <li> some text in 1 line</li>  
  <li> some text in 1 line</li>  
  <li> some text 2 line</li>  
  <li> some 2</li>  
  <li> 2</li>  

I don't know what is the correct css code for display of items in ie like:

first two results automatic fit in first line and rest of the results on second line. so basic idea is to let the li get it's own width depending on the data size.

Thanks in advance


Float the div, it should help...

Badr Hari
problem is not with the div, it's with the li. li must get it's own width depending on the data size.
What is it doing then right now? It's really hard to understand what you actually trying to achieve... try to make it more clear.
Badr Hari
Li is suppose to display items on same line , which is happening in firefox by using float:left but not in ie. the problem is that LI must take width automatic according to it's content otherwise shift to the next line.
only float:left worked on ie. Thanks Badr

I think the best way is to apply

li { display:inline; }

and insert a <li> without this rule to perform a line break.

But can't you place all data in the same line in ONE <li> ?

Thanks MaTheCat, but there are events triggered on click of the li, so results are show according to that.
Ok, does my solution work to perform the layout ?
only float:left worked on ie. Thanks MaTheCat
+1  A: 

You've got several ways to do what you want:

  • As MatTheCat says, display: inline with one display: block will work
  • Similarly, float: left; on all but the second will also do the trick
  • Set them all to display: inline and have a <br /> at the end of the second element (a bit nasty, but simple)

However, you're probably far better off treating them as two separate lists. Without knowing what you're using it for, it's hard to say, but splitting the elements up will make it more readable and let you have better control over the positioning and styling of the two lines.

If the aim is just to have the list elements flow horizontally to fill the div and "first two on first line" is just an example, then simply set display: inline on each list element.

If you specifically want the first two results to have a width of 250px (half of your div), set the style as float: left; width: 50%; on those two and have the remainder diaplay inline.

only float:left worked on ie. Thanks Andy

May be floating properties may help

<div style='width:500px; overflow: hidden;'>
<li> some text in 1 line</li>
<li> some text in 1 line</li>
<li> some text 2 line</li>
<li> some 2</li>

li {
float: left;
display: block;

not supported in ie
only float:left worked on ie. Thanks sultan
Happy to help you )
+2  A: 

I see two ways to achieve what I think you're asking:

Option 1: Make the <li> tags display:block;, and float:left;

Option 2: Make the <li> tags display:inline-block; and white-space:nowrap;

I'd go for option 2 myself, as it'll avoid the quirks you can get with floats. Also you may find you end up needing nowrap anyway, even with option 1.


You may also need to style the <ul> tag. Maybe width:100%; and/or display:block;.

I still say display:inline-block; and white-space:nowrap; should do it for the <li> tags. But if it isn't working, it would help if you said in what way it's not working.

Also: You've also been saying some answers aren't working in IE, but you haven't said which version of IE -- IE6,7,8 and 9 have very different levels of support for CSS; it would help to know which ones you need to support.

It works in firefox but not in
display:block is useless when using float rule.
@Mat: All floated items should be blocks. (using float may force this anyway, but I'd always prefer to be explicit)
not "should be" but "are" :
only float:left worked on ie. Thanks Spudley