Since tar
does directories automatically, you really don't need to do very much. Assuming GNU tar:
tar -C /fss/fin -cf - essbase |
tar -C /fs/fi -xf -
The '-C
' option changes directory before operating. The first tar
writes to standard output (the lone '-') everything found in the essbase
directory. The output of that tar
is piped to the second tar
, which reads its standard input (the lone '-'; fun isn't it!).
Assuming GNU find, you can also do:
(cd /fss/fin; tar -cf - $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed '/^\.$/d')) |
tar -xf - -C /fs/fi
This changes directory to the source directory; it runs 'find' with a maximum depth of 1 to find the directories and removes the current directory from the list with 'sed'; the first 'tar' then writes the output to the second one, which is the same as before (except I switched the order of the arguments to emphasize the parallelism between the two invocations).
If your top-level directories (those actually in /fss/fin) have spaces in the names, then there is more work to do again - I'm assuming none of the directories to be backed up start with a '.':
(cd /fss/fin; find * -maxdepth 0 -type d -print 0 | xargs -0 tar -cf -) |
tar -xf - -C /fs/fi
This weeds out the non-directories from the list generated by '*', and writes them with NUL '\0' (zero bytes) marking the end of each name (instead of a newline). The output is written to 'xargs', which is configured to expect the NUL-terminated names, and it runs 'tar' with the correct directory names. The output of this ensemble is sent to the second tar, as before.
If you have directory names starting with a '.' to collect, then add '.[a-z]*
' or another suitable pattern after the '*'; it is crucial that what you use does not list '.' or '..'. If you have names starting with dashes in the directory, then you need to use './*
' and './.[a-z]*
If you've got still more perverse requirements, enunciate them clearly in an amendment to the question.