



Hi, Im trying to create a call back by passing a pointer to member functions but am running into all types of issues.

How can i go about implementing such a thing

template<class T> class A{

   void (T::*callBackFunction)(int);

       void addCallBack(void (T::*callBackFunction)(int)){
            void (T::*callBackFunction)(int) = &callBackFunction;

       void performCallBack(){ //I want this to activate the specified function in class B

Class B{

   A<B> a1;
   A<B> a2;


   void a1CallBack(int i){
       // do stuff

   void a2CallBack(int i){
       // do stuff
+1  A: 

Pointers to member function require a pointer to an instance as their first parameter. Read this. The general way to do this is to have the callback function take an extra parameter (usually a void *) that can represent extra information or context for the callback handler. This could be the pointer to an object to which the callback would be delegated.

+1  A: 

You need the reference (or a pointer) to the object on which you want to call the method.

I would suggest to create a template base class (template parameters are function return value and parameters), and a template derived class (all base template parameters, plus the object type). The derived class holds the reference to the object and the pointer to the member function.


Maybe something like this (not tested) :

template < typename R, typename T1 >
class CbBase
    virtual ~CbBase(){}
    virtual R call( T1 t1 ) = 0;

template < typename O, typename R, typename T1 >
class MemFunPtrCb : public CbBase< R, T1 >
    MemFunPtrCb( O &obj_, R (O::*memFcPtr_)( T1 t1 ) ) :
      obj( obj_ ),
      memFcPtr( memFcPtr_ ),

    virtual R call( T1 t1 )
        obj.memFcPtr( t1 );

    O &obj;
    R (O::*memFcPtr)( T1 t1 );

This example is missing :

  • a function to create MemFuncPtrCb object, this function needs to take a reference to the object, and member function, and return shared_ptr to the appropriate base class

  • typedefs

Any chance of a quick example
Thank you. Ill give it a shot.
+2  A: 

You could do something like this. The virtual base class BaseCB allows B to be totally unaware of the type of C but still invoke the callback.

class BaseCB{
  virtual void operator()(int x)=0;

template<class ClassT>
class CCallback : public BaseCB {
  typedef void(ClassT::* FuncT)(int);
  FuncT _fn;
  ClassT* _c;
  CCallback(ClassT* c, FuncT fn):_fn(fn),_c(c){}
  void operator()(int x){
    return (_c->*_fn)(x);

class B {
  BaseCB* a;
  void invokecb(int n){

class C {
  B b;
    b.a = new CCallback<C>(this,&C::cb);
  void cb(int n)
    cout << n;

C c; // create an instance of c and test the cb mechanism
Chris Becke
Dude that is so freak'n cool. Exactly what i was looking for.Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
This looked like the general direction your question was heading - additionally you can use partial template specialization to let the callback support a (limited) variable number of parameters (limited by the number of times you're willing to write the same basic code over and over).This is the basic mechanism by which boost:function works.
Chris Becke

If what you really want is a callback function that takes int as a parameter and returns void, you can use boost::function.

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>

struct A
   typedef boost::function1<int, void> func_type;
   func_type func;

   explicit A( func_type func_ ) :
      func( func_ )

   void call( int x )

struct B
   int myVal;
   explicit B(int val ) : myVal( val ) {}

   void mycall(int x)
       std::cout << (myVal + x) << std::endl;

int main()
   B b(5);
   A a( boost::bind( &B::mycall, b, _1 ) ); 3 );

and with any luck it will print 8.
