Can some one help with with the following code please!!
if (DiaryOccasions != null && DiaryOccasions.Rows.Count > 0)
DataTable dtFilteredOccasions = new DataTable();
if (ddlMonths.SelectedItem.Value != string.Empty)
string[] selMonthYear = ddlMonths.SelectedItem.Value.Split('/');
if(selMonthYear.Length > 0)
dtFilteredOccasions = new DataView(DiaryOccasions,
string.Format("MONTH(OccasionDate) = {0} AND YEAR(OccasionDate) = {1}",
selMonthYear[0].ToString(), selMonthYear[1].ToString()),
string.Empty, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows).ToTable();
rptrDates.DataSource = dtFilteredOccasions;
when tried it throws the following error at runtime:
The expression contains undefined function call MONTH().
Please help !!