I have a multi-dimensional array generated in PHP:
'Requirements' => array(
'export_requirements' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Export'),
'add_requirements' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'Add'),
'add_private_requirements' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Add Private Requirements'),
'log_activity' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Log Activity / Schedule Event'),
'edit_activity' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Edit Activity'),
'delete_activity' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Delete Activity'),
'edit_requirements' => array('value'=> 64, 'label'=> 'Edit Requirements'),
'edit_requirements_private' => array('value'=> 128, 'label'=> 'Edit Private Requirements'),
'Resources' => array(
'export_resources' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Export'),
'add_resources' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'Add'),
'add_private_resources' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Add Private Resources'),
'log_activity' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Log Activity / Schedule Event'),
'edit_activity' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Edit Activity'),
'delete_activity' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Delete Activity'),
'edit_resources' => array('value'=> 64, 'label'=> 'Edit Resources'),
'edit_resources_private' => array('value'=> 128, 'label'=> 'Edit Private Resources'),
'Prospects' => array(
'export_prospects' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Export'),
'add_prospects' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'Add'),
'show_nsa' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Show NSA Details'),
'edit_prospects' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Edit'),
'log_activity' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Log Activity / Schedule Event'),
'edit_activity' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Edit Activity'),
'delete_activity' => array('value'=> 64, 'label'=> 'Delete Activity'),
'Contacts' => array(
'export_contacts' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Export'),
'add_contacts' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'Add'),
'edit_contacts' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Edit'),
'log_activity' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Log Activity / Schedule Event'),
'edit_activity' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Edit Activity'),
'delete_activity' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Delete Activity'),
'Clients' => array(
'export_clients' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Export'),
'add_clients' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'Add'),
'show_caution_note' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Show Caution Note'),
'show_nsa_msa' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Show NSA and MSA Details'),
'edit_dormant_caution_caution_notes' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Edit Dormant, Caution, Caution Notes'),
'log_activity' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Log Activity'),
'edit_activity' => array('value'=> 64, 'label'=> 'Edit Activity'),
'delete_activity' => array('value'=> 128, 'label'=> 'Delete Activity'),
'Reports' => array(
'view' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'View'),
'Settings' => array(
'administration' => array('value'=> 1, 'label'=> 'Administration'),
'view_data_item_history' => array('value'=> 2, 'label'=> 'View Data Item History'),
'assign_group_permissions' => array('value'=> 4, 'label'=> 'Assign Group Permissions'),
'manage_users' => array('value'=> 8, 'label'=> 'Manage Users'),
'assign_user_permissions' => array('value'=> 16, 'label'=> 'Assign User Permission'),
'manage_roles' => array('value'=> 32, 'label'=> 'Manage Roles'),
'assign_role_permission' => array('value'=> 64, 'label'=> 'Assign Role Permission'),
Is there a way to loop through this using Smarty?
I've gotten so far:
{foreach from=$all_perms key=k item=v}
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="detail view">
<th colspan='4' align="left" width="100%" valign="top"><h4><slot>{$k}</slot></h4></th>
{foreach from=$all_perms key=k item=v} {% I'm stuck at this for loop %}
<td width="15%" valign="top" scope="row">
<td width="85%" valign="top">