



i hav an html file which displays table view ,how to load this on the ipad view ..

and i want to enter the values to the fields of table view in html o/p....

any ideas ..

Thanks in advance...


You'll want to take a look at the UIWebView for displaying a local html file onto the iOS device.

The code below will load index.html from your project folder:

[webView loadRequest:
    [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:
        [NSURL fileURLWithPath:
            [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"index" ofType:@"html"] 
Gavin Miller
thanks, and i want to modify the values of the html o/p file for ex: i want to place some attributes to table
lak in iphone
I'm not sure what you mean by modify by "modify the values of the html o/p file."
Gavin Miller
i am displaying empty tabular form ,is like report ..i want to dynamically fill those fields in table with data
lak in iphone
if i hav a html tags in string how to load webview with string
lak in iphone